We’re excited to have you brewing for this year’s Bootstrapped Brews! Did you participate last year?
Please introduce yourself…
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How long has your startup been in Colorado?
We opened our doors in 2013 in Denver as a satellite sales office and west coast presence.
How many people from your team are helping to brew your competition beer?
What beer(s) are you brewing?
We are brewing two types of beers thanks to the help of Salud Custom Brew Events, or the Rob’s as we like to call them. We are brewing a hoppy Rye Amber, official Ruby on Rye Pale Ale and a Peach Wit, officially PHPeach be Wit You.
Have you brewed your own beer before?
How long have you been brewing?
~3 years
How did the brewing process go?
Our brewer’s have helped other companies win in this competition, but it’s a first for Stack and many of us helping!
Where did you brew your competition beer?
They help out a lot of clients.
Why were you interested in participating in this year’s event?
We thought it would be a great opportunity to get out & network while adding beer into the mix. We participated in a cocktail competition (Clash of the Cocktails) last year so we thought this would be a nice addition to the trophy shelf 🙂
Where is your favorite place to grab a beer with your coworkers?
Our office heads to Uptown Tavern probably too regularly. We work a couple blocks away, they have a great beer selection, awesome happy hours, and plenty of TV’s to catch whatever sporting event is on that evening.