ReadyTalk is a one-stop cloud communications provider in Denver that provides unified communications through audio, web and video conferencing, webinars and webcasts. ReadyTalk is also a seasoned Colorado Startup Brews veteran. In 2016, ReadyTalk took home first place in with their American Pale Ale, George Clooney Zero G.

The ReadyTalk team is out for another trophy. This year, they will be pouring a New England IPA, Putin Juice.  “It is a new style allowed this year and we thought we would give it a try. It has 13 ounces of hops, which is more than I have ever used before,” stated Ryan Wilcox, a ReadyTalk Site Reliability Engineer and brewer.

Additionally, they will also be pouring a Saison named, “Gooooood morning, Saison!”. Saisons are typically gold to light amber in color and can have fruity, horsey, goaty and/or leather-like aromas and flavors.

Join ReadyTalk and help them take home gold this year at Colorado Startup Brews on October 12th. You can register by visiting: