What does Well Data Labs do?
Well Data Labs is a modern web application built to manage, analyze, and report oil & gas completions data. We work side-by-side with Completions Engineers and other industry experts to provide a tool that gives professionals the information they need quickly and efficiently.
What do you do for Well Data Labs?
As a Petroleum Engineer, I bring industry experience and use-case understanding to the Product and Support teams at Well Data Labs. I try to be “the one who knows” when it comes to how the Well Data Labs software works and what our customers expect to see.
Why did your company decide to participate in Colorado Startup Brews?
Our leadership team has been creating and participating in Denver startup events for many years. We love being a part of the culture of forward-thinking and modern businesses in Colorado. We were thrilled to be able to join in with Colorado Startup Brews to show off our creativity, team-work, and overall passion — especially for good beer!
Tell us about the beer styles you are submitting this year.
We formed several teams to develop each of our submissions so everyone could chip in. Our teams each decided on the style and are still working on the ‘marketing’ for our submissions, but here are my first perspectives on the beers we’ve brewed:
Pumpjack Kölsch — We started with 10 pounds of German Pilsner malt and a full ounce of earthy Spalt hops. But rather than going straight to style, we added a pound of mandarin oranges to the fermenter of this otherwise traditional Kölsch. Brought to 4.4% ABV and lagered four weeks, this beer is going to be great when the sun and thirst are high.
Black Gold Imperial Stout — We didn’t want to move just halfway across the spectrum when choosing the second beer style, so we went as dark and malty as we could. It’ll be a challenge to get enough age on this Imperial beer before the contest, but if the yeast keeps its end of the deal, we’ll have a classic big beer to enjoy. And any leftovers are going to be a really great Christmas present.
Dinobyte Hefeweizen — The challenge of the German Weissbier style is balancing subtle flavors. We’re aiming for a banana character driven from our Colorado-grown yeast strain. And as a beer brewed with just one week to spare, this will be a fresh beer with minimal age before it gets kegged.
What do you plan on doing with this year’s championship trophy if you win?
First, we’ve got to get a team photo posted to our LinkedIn and Facebook pages. Bragging rights!
Then, I’m going to convince our office that a kegerator is a great way for the office to have an unending supply of the beers and carbonated beverages that they most enjoy. We’ll brew up more of our award-winning beers to make sure that the tap handles are put to the best use!
The team at Colorado Startup Brews is excited to have Well Data Labs join the CSB gang! If you’re looking to learn about brewing and beer styles, be sure to stop by their booth on September 13th!